120 crédits
2 ans
École d'économie de la Sorbonne (EES)
Langue(s) d'enseignement
The Master Program in Development Economics is a two-years international program with the first year both in French and English (Master 1 Economie du Développement) and the second year fully in English. We also propose a two-years program fully in English with the PSME - Development Track in the first year.
Pantheon-Sorbonne University is the first French University in Development according to the Top Univ QS Ranking. Our Master Program is also the oldest diploma in Economic Development in France (founded by Gaston Leduc in the 1960's).
The Master Program in Development Economics has multiple cooperations with top universities in Emerging Countries (Cairo University in Egypt, Javeriana University in Colombia, University of Cape Town in South Africa, Peking University in China). In Master 2, students are coming from all over the World. Each years, more than 20 nationalites are represented at the Master 2 level. It is a great opportunity to study in a truly international environment.
In order to get a Master Degree in Development Economics at the Sorbonne School of Economics (Panthéon-Sorbonne University), you have different options.
- You can follow a two-years program starting in Master 1. The first year will be in French and in English. In the second year, you will have to choose between the Master 2 Development Economics (Research Master in English) and the Master 2 Economie du Développement Durable (professional Master both in French in English). Both Master 1 and Master 2 are French "national diplomas".
- You can follow a two-years program with all courses in English starting in Master 1. In that case, you will have to apply to the Paris Sorbonne Master in Economics (PSME) - Development Track. The PSME is a program custom-made for international students wishing to study Economics at the Sorbonne. The PSME program is a first year of Graduate Studies (Diplome Universitaire) which offers Economics courses taught in English, together with intensiv courses of the French language. The PSME-Development track gives the equivalence with the national diploma M1 Economie du Développement. After the PSME Development track, you have a direct acces to the Master 2 Development Economics and the Master Economie du Développement Durable.
The aim of the Master Program in Development Economics is to train students into highly qualified analysts of economic development issues. Its purpose is to answer the growing demand for experts capable of addressing the challenges of economic development, evaluating the economic policies of developing countries and analyzing the economic relations between unequally developed countries. The Master program offers rigorous training in analytical and quantitative economic methods. Its goal is indeed to equip talented students with a solid foundation for applied research. The program is however geared to both future academics and future practitioners in the field of development economics and international economics. The program combines the benefits of “Grandes Ecoles” training (intensive teaching) and the strengths of the University (links to research activities, contact with the best experts..).
Membres de l’équipe pédagogique
Academic Director: Rémi Bazillier
In order to get a Master Degree in Development Economics at the Sorbonne School of Economics (Panthéon-Sorbonne University), you have different options.
- You can follow a two-years program starting in Master 1. The first year will be in French and in English. In the second year, you will have to choose between the Master 2 Development Economics (Research Master in English) and the Master 2 Economie du Développement Durable (professional Master both in French in English). Both Master 1 and Master 2 are French "national diplomas".
- You can follow a two-years program with all courses in English starting in Master 1. In that case, you will have to apply to the Paris Sorbonne Master in Economics (PSME) - Development Track. The PSME is a program custom-made for international students wishing to study Economics at the Sorbonne. The PSME program is a first year of Graduate Studies (Diplome Universitaire) which offers Economics courses taught in English, together with intensiv courses of the French language. The PSME-Development track gives the equivalence with the national diploma M1 Economie du Développement. After the PSME Development track, you have a direct acces to the Master 2 Development Economics and the Master Economie du Développement Durable.
Sélectionnez un programme
Master 1ère année Economie du développement
Au choix: parmi
UE1 Cours fondamentaux
18 créditsUE2 Cours de spécialité
12 créditsEconomie du développement
36hLangues vivantes
2 créditsOption
Au choix: parmi
Economic policy
4 crédits36hEconomie des transports
4 crédits36h
Au choix: parmi
Economic policy
4 crédits36hEconomics education
18hEconomie des transports
4 crédits36hResources and climate change
Au choix: parmi
UE1 Cours fondamentaux
22 créditsChoix 2 matières à 4 ECTS
Au choix: parmi
Development macroeconomics
36hEmpirical Methods in Development Economics 1
4 crédits18hLangues vivantes
2 créditsMémoire
4 crédits18hChoix 2 matières à 4 ECTS
Au choix: parmi
Development Economics (Macro)
4 crédits36hEmpirical Methods in Development Economics 1
4 crédits18hIntroduction to Python
2 crédits9hMémoire
4 crédits18h
UE2 Options
8 créditsAu choix: parmi
2 cours à 8 ECTS (4+4)
Au choix: parmi
Applied finance
36hCrise et répartition
36hEnvironmental policies
4 crédits36hHealth Economics
4 crédits36hIndustrial Economics
International finance
36hInternational Trade
4 crédits36hlabor economics
39hpopulation economics
Au choix: parmi
Applied finance
36hCrise et répartition
36hDevelopment Economics ( Development Policies)
36hEnvironmental policies
4 crédits36hHealth Economics
4 crédits36hInternational finance
36hInternational Trade
4 crédits36hlabor economics
39hMutations financières et Finance durable
4 crédits36hpopulation economics
39hTopics in environmental economics
3 cours à 8 ECTS (4+2+2)
Au choix: parmi
Applied finance
36hComparative political economy
18hCrise et répartition
36hEnvironmental policies
4 crédits36hHealth Economics
4 crédits36hIndustrial Economics
Inégalités et redistribution
18hInternational finance
36hInternational Trade
4 crédits36hlabor economics
39hpopulation economics
Au choix: parmi
Applied finance
36hComparative political economy
18hCrise et répartition
36hDevelopment Economics ( Development Policies)
36hEnvironmental policies
4 crédits36hHealth Economics
4 crédits36hIndustrial Economics
Inégalités et redistribution
18hInternational finance
36hInternational Trade
4 crédits36hlabor economics
39hMutations financières et Finance durable
4 crédits36hpopulation economics
39hTopics in environmental economics
Master 2ème année Development economics
Au choix: parmi
UE1 Enseignements fondamentaux
15 créditsDevelopment theory : Macroeconomics and Historical perspect
3 crédits18hDevelopment theory: Microeconomics
3 crédits18hMaster thesis seminar
18hMatières au choix
Au choix: parmi
Human Capital and Development: Education and Health
3 crédits18hInstitutions, governance and development
3 crédits18hLabour & development
3 crédits18h
Au choix: parmi
Human Capital and Development: Education and Health
3 crédits18hIndustrial Development and Finance
3 crédits18hInstitutions, governance and development
3 crédits18hLabour & development
3 crédits18h
UE2 Enseignements de méthodes
15 crédits
Au choix: parmi
UE1 Cours de spécialisation
18 créditsAu choix: parmi
Environment and Development
18hFirm performance Trade and Development
3 crédits18hForeign aid, debt and development
18hGender and Development
18hGlobalisation and development strategies
18hInequality and Growth
3 crédits18hMicrocredit, financial
18hPopulation, Migration and development
18hRural Development
27hUrbanization and Sustainable Development
3 crédits18h
UE2 Master thesis
12 créditsMaster thesis paper and defense
12 crédits
Conditions d'admission
Master 1
Both French and international candidates who have completed a "Licence" (Bachelor) or equivalent (180 ECTS) are considered for admission.Applicants must have a solid background in Microeconomics, Macroeconomics and Econometrics. Applicants should have a proficient language level both in French and English.
Master 2
Both French and international candidates who have completed a Master 1 or equivalent (240 ECTS) are considered for admission. Applicants must demonstrate competence in economics and quantitative analysis and the potential for learning the analytical and quantitative tools. The Master program has course prerequisites. The prerequisite course requirements are Master 1 level university leveld course in each of the following: Microeconomics, Macroeconomics and Econometrics.
Modalités d'inscription
Admission to the Master 1 'Economie du Développement':
Applicants have to follow the standard administrative application procedure of University Paris 1. The application is then screened through a selective admission process by the Master’s administration. Both French and international candidates who have completed a Licence 3 or an undergraduate program are considered for admission. Applicants must demonstrate competence in economics and quantitative analysis and the potential for learning the analytical and quantitative tools.
Applicants from the EU should apply using the national platform (Master Economie du développement)
International Students:
Dates of application :
Special procedure for students from countries affected by the "Studying in France Procedure" (Etudes en France) (Algeria, Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Benin, Bolivia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burma, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Ethiopia, Gabon, Georgia, Ghana, Guinea, Haiti, Honk Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, Ivory Coast, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, Nigeria, Peru, Qatar, Republic of Congo, Russia, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Vietnam.):
Admission to the Master 2 'Development Economic'
Applicants have to follow the standard administrative application procedure of University Paris 1. The application is then screened through a selective admission process by the Master’s administration. Candidates must include in their application a motivation letter and a two page research project proposal for the Master thesis. Both French and international candidates who have completed a Master 1 or equivalent are considered for admission. Applicants must demonstrate competence in economics and quantitative analysis and the potential for learning the analytical and quantitative tools.
The Master program has course prerequisites. The prerequisite course requirements are one Master 1 level university level course in each of the following: Microeconomics, Macroeconomics and Econometrics.
Applications from the EU: eCandidat Paris 1
Dates of application :
International Students:
Special procedure for students from countries affected by the "Studying in France Procedure" (Etudes en France) (Algeria, Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Benin, Bolivia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burma, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Ethiopia, Gabon, Georgia, Ghana, Guinea, Haiti, Honk Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, Ivory Coast, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, Nigeria, Peru, Qatar, Republic of Congo, Russia, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Vietnam.):