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Droit, Economie, Gestion

Master parcours Development economics (Le Caire)


This master program is a cooperation between Pantheon-Sorbonne University and Cairo University (French section of the Economics and Political Science Faculty). It takes place in Cairo (Egypt). Courses are delivered by professors from Cairo University and University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne in English.

All details on the program : https://fesp-eg.org/masters-in-development-economics/

Graduation Ceremony - M2 Development Economics at Cairo University 2024

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Objective: The aim of the Masters in Development Economics is to train students into highly qualified analysts of economic development issues. Its purpose is to reflect the growing demand for experts capable of addressing the challenges of economic development, evaluating the economic policies of developing countries and analyzing the economic relations between unequally developed countries. The Masters’ program offers rigorous training in analytical and quantitative economic methods. Its goal is indeed to equip talented students with a solid foundation for applied research. The program is however geared to both future academics and future practitioners in the field of development economics and international economics

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Membres de l’équipe pédagogique

Academic Directors: Manal Emira (Cairo Univ.) and Rémi Bazillier (Pantheon Sorbonne Univ.)

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Structure: The Masters’ lasts for two academic years. Each academic year is divided into two fourteen-week semesters. The Master comprises 13 courses (4 in the first year and 9 in the second year). There is also a thesis seminar where each student presents the work related to his or her thesis. In the summer after the second year, subject to attaining a minimal academic performance, students are offered a summer internship either as a research assistant in a faculty member’s project or at a private or public institution or international organizations. The Masters’ thesis is an original research piece in the field chosen by the student. Each student is assigned an adviser who helps him or her in identifying a suitable research topic and oversees the whole process. The Masters’ thesis defense takes place at the end of semester four.

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Sélectionnez un programme

Master 1ère année Development economics (Le Caire)

Master 2ème année Development economics (Le Caire)

  • UE1 Cours fondamentaux

    15 crédits
    • Development theory

      6 crédits36h
    • Master Thesis seminar

      3 crédits18h
    • Microeconomics, development and Gender

      6 crédits36h
  • UE2 Enseignements de méthodes

    15 crédits
    • Econometrics 503A

      6 crédits36h
    • Methods in empirical development economics

      6 crédits36h
    • Tutorial Econometrics

      3 crédits18h
  • UE1 Cours de spécialisation

    15 crédits
    • Human capital and development : Education and

      3 crédits12h
    • Institutions, governance and development

      3 crédits12h
    • Macroeconomics, gender and development

      6 crédits36h
    • Population, Migration and Development

      3 crédits12h
  • UE2 Cours de spécialisation (1 choisi parmi 4)

    3 crédits
    • Au choix: parmi

      • Inequality, Development and Gender

        3 crédits36h
      • International Economics and Law

        3 crédits36h
  • UE3 Master thesis

    12 crédits
    • Master thesis paper and defense

      12 crédits
  • UE4 Internship

    • Internship

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