École d'économie de la Sorbonne (EES)
Volume horaire
Période de l'année
Advanced International Trade
Maria Bas
Lesson 1: Firms in international trade
- The characteristics of internationalized firms
- Exporter premia
- Importer premia
- Determinants of firms’ export decision Export and firm productivity
- Export and credit constraints
Lesson 2: Import decision
- Determinants of firms’ import decision
- Sourcing importing inputs and firm performance
- Import and credit constraints
Lesson 3: Firms reaction to foreign shocks
- How firms react to foreign shocks? Do all firms react in the same way?
- The heterogeneous effects of the global crisis 2008-2009 on firms’ export patterns
- The effect of the COVID-shock on international trade.
Lesson 4: The effects of Real Exchange Rate shocks
- The heterogeneous reaction of exporters to RER
- Macro puzzle: a low real exchange rate RER pass-through to aggregate exports
- Possible explanation:
High performing firms are those that explain most of aggregate trade flows
Average of two grades:
(1) Presentation of a critical summary of a paper
(2) Final oral exam on the last lesson.
Suggested readings:
Bernard, A., Jensen, J.B., Redding, S. and P. Schott (2007), firms in In- ternational Trade, Journal of Economic Perspectives.
Bernard, Andrew B., and J. Bradford Jensen, 1999, Exceptional Exporter Performance: cause, effect, or both? Journal of International Economics, 47(1): 125.
Goldberg, P., Khandelwal, A, Pavcnik, N. and P. Topalova Imported In- termediate Inputs and Domestic Product Growth: Evidence from India, Quarterly Journal of Economics 125(4) 2010, pp. 1727-1767.
Bas, M. and Berthou, A. (2015) ”Does Input-trade Liberalization Affect Firms’ Foreign Technology Choice?”, World Bank Economic Review.
Bricongne, Fontagne, Gaulier, Taglioni and Vicard, Firms and the global crisis: French exports in the turmoil, Journal of International Economics Volume 87, Issue 1, May 2012, Pages 134-146.
Bas, Fernandes and Paunov (2021) ”How resilient was trade to COVID-19? ”, mimeo
Berman, N., Martin, P. and T. Mayer 2011. How do Different Exporters Re- act to Exchange Rate Changes?, Quarterly Journal of Economics 127(1):437 4493.