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Sciences humaines et sociales

Master parcours Global history of contemporary art (GHCA) (FI)

  • ECTS

    120 crédits

  • Durée

    2 ans

  • Composante

    École d'histoire de l'art & d'archéo. de la Sorbonne (EHAAS)

  • Langue(s) d'enseignement

    Anglais, Français



The “Global History of Contemporary Art” Master's program offers a close look at the epistemological renewal of a global history of art, and the historiographical, theoretical and critical questions it raises. Since the 1960s, thanks to the commitment of artists who have decompartmentalized their production to inscribe it more than ever in social, cultural, political and economic realities on a global scale, the methodological and conceptual approaches to art history have been renewed. This means reflecting on heritages and narratives, taking into consideration the different moments of historical and critical thought, and following its echoes to the present day. 

Our three priorities will be :

  • Rethinking the cartographies of contemporary art
  • Rethinking contemporary art through the prism of gender
  • Rethinking the museum today

The seminars are given by the faculty of the art history department (Professors and Ass. Prof. in contemporary art of the 20th and 21st centuries). The teaching language is primarily English.

Find out more about the course :

Brochure, model, schedules...

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Training objectives

Unique in the academic environment, the “Global History of Contemporary Art” Master's degree aims to prepare students for the many jobs that exist in contemporary art, through demanding training in research.

Teaching is offered mainly in English and covers contemporary art in its globalized dimension. In addition, students follow three semester-long of foreign language courses.

A 5-week internship (at M1 level) is compulsory. In addition, professionals of the field are involved in the program. This enables students to reflect on their project, gain experience in their chosen field and establish contacts in the cultural world.

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Les + de la formation

Training benefits 

Partnerships are forged with museums, art centers, publishers, curators, artists and other players in the contemporary art world, both nationally and internationally.

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Membres de l’équipe pédagogique

Teaching team members and contacts :

Training supervisor :

Mme Sophie CRAS et Mme Elvan ZABUNYAN
MasterGHCA @ univ-paris1.fr

Training administrative managers :

Master 1 : Mme Nadine RENAUDIN

Master 2 : M. Denis GARDENET
masters2ufr03 @ univ-paris1.fr 

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The program is multi-disciplinary, with courses dealing, among others, with fashion, new images, migration, genders and economics. It involves two separate research dissertations, one in M1 and the other in M2. It combines the most demanding research with professional experience in the field of contemporary art.

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Sélectionnez un programme

Master 1ère année Global history of contemporary art (GHCA) (FI)

Master 2ème année Recherche Global history of contemporary art (GHCA) (FI)


Conditions d'admission

Admission requirements

The Master 1 “Global History of Contemporary Art” is open to all students holding a bachelor's degree in the SHS, ALL and DGE fields, in particular bachelor's degrees in history and art history and archaeology. 

The Master 2 “Global History of Contemporary Art” is open by right to students who have completed a Master 1 “Global History of Contemporary Art” or, by external application and subject to available places, to students who have completed an M1 in another course in the “History of Art” field or in another compatible Master's field, both in France and abroad.

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Modalités d'inscription

How to register

Students are admitted to the M1 program exclusively by submitting an application via the www.monmaster.fr application system, according to the timetable defined each year. When applying, students must :

  • present a research topic for the dissertation in the field of contemporary art history
  • Submit a letter of motivation
  • Provide proof of a sufficient level of English: level C1 or equivalent, i.e. grades obtained in English at undergraduate (Licence) level.

Students on the Etudes en France platform will not be able to apply for M1 in 2025/2026.

For students who have completed an M1 in another course in the “History of Art” field or in another compatible Master's program, admission to M2 is exclusively by means of an online application on the local eCandidat platform, according to the timetable defined each year.  

In M2, students with foreign (including non-European) university degrees apply under the same conditions, according to the same timetable and procedures as students with French degrees. 

No applications for M1 or M2 will be accepted after the opening dates of the platform or outside this procedure.

Applicants who have resumed their studies (having interrupted their university studies for more than two years) must also be accompanied by the Bureau de la reprise d'études and/or de la Validation des acquis.

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Et après

Poursuite d'études

Further studies

PhD (universities, art schools).

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Insertion professionnelle

Professional integration

  • Teaching and research in contemporary art history

  • Employment with art centers, contemporary art galleries and private foundations

  • Organization of international art fairs

  • Exhibition curators

  • Cultural project management

  • Jobs in fashion promotion and heritage

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