120 crédits
2 ans
Institut de recherche et d'études sup. du tourisme (IREST)
Langue(s) d'enseignement
The Management of International Tourism (MIT) Master’s Degree 2 provides international students with in-depth and interdisciplinary knowledge of the international dimension of tourism exchanges, and skills that are highly valued by specialist public institutions and tourism operators.
The MIT Master 2 is a one-year course with classes held between September and January (30 ECTS) and an internship and research paper between January and September (30 ETCS). It sets out to address the current needs of international and private actors regarding the international development of tourism. Good governance of tourism destinations requires an understanding of the changes brought about by new technologies and disintermediation, as well as the issues of market access and competitiveness.
In this regard, the MIT Master 2 training program focuses on issues of tourism destination attractiveness and coordination of public and private actors by addressing questions related to:
• Management of factor endowments, particularly cultural and natural ones (CULTURAL AND NATURAL HERITAGE AND INTERNATIONAL TOURISM)
• Funding incentives, impact, and development strategies in the hotel sector (HOTEL INVESTMENTS AND DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES)
• Tourism governance in the context of metropolization and globalization (GLOBAL METROPOLISES AND INTERNATIONAL TOURISM).
The MIT Master 2 leads to professional opportunities in tourism sectors with an international focus, especially for managers and project managers working in international organizations that are tourism-oriented or in which tourism plays a major part: UNWTO, UNESCO, OECD, WTTC, European Commission, World Bank, etc. It also aims to train managers for big international tourism operators: airlines, tour operators, international consulting firms, consultants, financial operators, etc.
Les + de la formation
Interview with Allison Strickland, graduate student of the master program MIT - Management of International Tourism
Interview with Alex Jeffries, graduate student of the master program MIT - Management of International Tourism
Lire plus
Membres de l’équipe pédagogique
IREST Director
Sébastien Jacquot, Associate Professor in Geography : dirirest @
Head of the programm
Linda Boukhris, Associate Professor :
Administrative Officer MIT Master 2
Please copy both e-mail addresses
Find out the IREST teaching juries for the current academic year
The MIT Master 2 is a one-year course with classes held between September and January (30 ECTS) and an internship and research paper between January and September (30 ETCS). It sets out to address the current needs of international and private actors regarding the international development of tourism. Good governance of tourism destinations requires an understanding of the changes brought about by new technologies and disintermediation, as well as the issues of market access and competitiveness.
In this regard, the MIT Master 2 training program focuses on issues of tourism destination attractiveness and coordination of public and private actors by addressing questions related to:
• Management of factor endowments, particularly cultural and natural ones (CULTURAL AND NATURAL HERITAGE AND INTERNATIONAL TOURISM)
• Funding incentives, impact, and development strategies in the hotel sector (HOTEL INVESTMENTS AND DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES)
• Tourism governance in the context of metropolization and globalization (GLOBAL METROPOLISES AND INTERNATIONAL TOURISM).
Sélectionnez un programme
Master 2ème année Management of international tourism
UE1 : Cultural and Natural Heritage & International Tourism
9 créditsUE2 : International Tourism & Attractiveness of Tourism Dest
8 créditsUE3 : Hotel Investments & Development Strategies
5 créditsUE4 : Global Metropolises and International Tourism
5 créditsUE5 : Langues et méthodologie
3 créditsFLE
2 créditsMéthodologie de la recherche
1 crédits15h
UE1 : Mémoire
15 créditsMémoire
15 crédits10h
UE2 : Stage
15 créditsStage
15 crédits15h
Conditions d'admission
Entry requirements for the Master 2 are a Bachelor’s degree in economics, management, economic sciences, applied foreign languages, or social sciences (geography, sociology, anthropology, information and communication sciences).
Find out about IREST's admission committees for the current academic year
Modalités d'inscription
For students whose country of residence is listed by "Etudes en France" (check the countries concerned), the application is to be made via the website of this organization. The procedure is entirely on-line.
Be aware that the application deadline depends on the Country of residence. We encourage you to check with the office of your Country for the applicable dates.
For EU resident students the application process is done via the e-candidat portal of the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.