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Sciences humaines et sociales

Master parcours Digital Fashion Communication (délocalisé en Suisse - formation initiale et continue)

  • ECTS

    120 crédits

  • Durée

    2 ans

  • Composante

    Institut de recherche et d'études sup. du tourisme (IREST)

  • Langue(s) d'enseignement



Fashion is becoming increasingly digital and the fashion industry is in urgent need of communication managers who master digital trends, are aware of the long-term socio-cultural processes that shape fashion and understand how fashion’s ethical dimension and major sustainability challenges impact society.

Would you like to acquire communication skills as applied specifically to the fashion industry? Cutting-edge tools to interact in a digital business environment? Cutural sensitivity to communicate in a globalized market?

Be part of the first international Master of Science in Digital Fashion Communication offered as a Double degree by Universita della Svizzera italiana (Lugano, Switzerland) and université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.

The Master is a two-year (120 ECTS) Double Master's Degree offered jointly by USI - Università della Svizzera italiana and Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and is entirely given in English, even in Paris. The programme is taught by a renowned faculty from both institutions and by a large number of guest lecturers and professionals of the fashion industry who will share their practical experience. Mobility is part of the learning experience offered by this Master. Students will study in two different locations (Lugano in semester 1 and 2,  Paris in semester 3) and live two diverse cultures.

Students can do their internship during their fourth semester in whichever location they prefer. During this semester, they will have an online course and their master thesis, which gives them the flexibility to find an internship outside of Switzerland or France if desired.

For any information on the Master's programme (courses, applications, deadlines...) please visit the USI website or contact mdfc @ usi.ch

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The double degree in Digital Fashion Communication (DFC) aims at preparing select students to pursue their careers in the fashion industry as specialists in digital communication.

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Savoir-faire et compétences

Graduating from this Master gives students:

  • a strong foundation in communication skills as applied specifically to the fashion industry: communication design and strategy, branding, content development, information management and retrieval.
  • an in-depth understanding of the creation of fashion: the social history of fashion and culture, sustainability, and the fashion industry from a global perspective.
  • the cutting edge tools to effectively and profitably interact in an digital business environment: usability and webanalytics, digital marketing, social media communication, e-Commerce and cyber security.

An addition to this, students will acquire the cultural sensitivity needed to effectively communicate in a globalized market, by experiencing the French, Italian and Swiss culture in their day to day activities. They also have the opportunity to learn or strengthen their knowledge of the Italian and French languages, which are of great importance in the fashion world.

Professional opportunities for graduates are related to omnichannel communication management and strategy for the fashion industry in any type of company, from small start-ups to large international corporations. Graduates are prepared to work in functions like digital and social media marketing, brand development, data and e-Commerce management, advertising and PR support, and CSR coordination.

Even if the master focuses on fashion communication, graduates might work in related experience-economy industries.

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Membres de l’équipe pédagogique


Formation Initiale à plein temps
FC à plein temps
Formation en apprentissage
Contrat de professionnalisation

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Sélectionnez un programme

Master 1 Tourisme parcours Digital Fashion Communication (délocalisé en Suisse- formation initiale et continue)

  • Au choix: parmi

    • UE 1 : Digital

      9 crédits
      • Digital Challenges in Marketind and Big Data

        3 crédits28h
      • Digital Fashion Communication : an introduction

        3 crédits28h
      • Online Communication Design

        3 crédits28h
    • UE 2 : Fashion

      6 crédits
      • Fashion Communication

        4,5 crédits42h
      • Sustainable Fashion

        1,5 crédits14h
    • UE 3 : Communication

      15 crédits
      • Brand Management

        3 crédits28h
      • Communication Law

        3 crédits28h
      • Corporate Social Responsability

        3 crédits28h
      • Intercultural communication

        3 crédits28h
      • Media Economics & Policy

        3 crédits28h
  • Au choix: parmi

    • UE 1 : Digital

      12 crédits
      • Augmented and Virtual reality

        1,5 crédits14h
      • DFC : Conversation with Industry Experts

        3 crédits28h
      • eCommerce and cyber security

        1,5 crédits14h
      • Information Management and Retrieval

        3 crédits28h
      • Usability and Webanalytics

        3 crédits28h
    • UE 2 : Fashion

      6 crédits
      • Argumentation in Fashion Communication

        3 crédits28h
      • Visual Fashion Communication

        3 crédits28h
    • UE 3 : Communication

      12 crédits
      • Critical Consumer Behavior

        6 crédits56h
      • Market Systems Dynamics

        3 crédits28h
      • Statistical Data Analysis

        3 crédits28h

Master 2 Indifférencié Digital Fashion Communication (délocalisé en Suisse - formation initiale et continue)

  • Facultatif

    • Au choix: parmi

      • UE 1 : Digital

        3 crédits
        • DFC : Social Media Communication and Fashion blogg

          3 crédits28h
      • UE 2 : Fashion

        21 crédits
        • Fashion industry : a global perspective

          6 crédits56h
        • Heritage, Tourism and Fashion

          6 crédits56h
        • Social History of Fashion and Custom

          6 crédits56h
        • Study tour (Paris FW, etc.)

          3 crédits28h
      • UE 3 : Capstone work

        6 crédits
        • Elective courses

          6 crédits56h
    • Facultatif

      • Au choix: parmi

        • UE 1 : Digital

          3 crédits
          • DFC Lab : Gamification

            3 crédits28h
        • UE 2 : Capstone work

          27 crédits
          • Internship

            9 crédits84h
          • Master thesis

            18 crédits


      Modalités d'inscription

      For applications, please refer to the deadline indicated on the USI website

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      8.000 Swiss francs per year

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      Et après

      Poursuite d'études

      Students graduating from this programme will acquire:a strong foundation in communication skills as applied specifically to the fashion industry;the cutting edge tools to effectively and profitably interact in a digital business environment;the cultural sensitivity needed to effectively communicate in a globalized market.

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      Insertion professionnelle

      Professional opportunities for graduates are related to communication management and strategy for the fashion industry in any type of company, from start-ups to international corporations

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